Kitchen Garden

We have a few planter beds off our front patio.  We’ve had them for a couple of years now but haven’t really done much with them. We had thought to plant herbs. Just walk out the front door, cut a few fresh herbs, and put them in your meal.  It was nice for awhile, until the herbs took off and overran the beds, or they died from lack of water or being crowded out from weeds.  Nice idea, but didn’t work for us. We might try again in the future.

So this season after weeding and amending the soil, we planted salad ingredients. We have lettuce, arugula, chives, celery, radishes, and onions.





Perennials still alive from last year are a hedge of rosemary, some oregano, and mint.  So far the pick your own salad is working, we have a salad every night.


These pictures are early in the season, now all the vegetables are fully grown and fill the beds and our salad bowls. Now we just have to learn how to make some new creamy dressings.

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