In our ten year plan for the campo we have written honey.  Hoping that by then our fruit trees, wind breaks, vegetables, and ornamental shrubs (someday we will have a landscaped little piece of land around the houses) will supply enough flowers for us to sustain a hive of bees and gather honey.  Well, the bees decided to not read the plan and joined us a little earlier.  We found a hive in the rafters of Megan’s unfinished house, in the woodpile by the casita, and another out by the green house area.  Very exciting.  Very frustrating with trying to find someone to come take care of the bees, get them gone. Much to our dismay, we learned that Alejandro is allergic to bees.  There are no epi pens in Uruguay, you take a pill!  How can you swallow a pill when your throat is closing up?    Needless to say, we ended up doing it ourselves in the wee hours of the morning.  Megan and Rubin collected the honeycombs, but I only remember to take pictures at the end.  Sorry.

honeycomb 1

honeycomb 2

Megan and Jon are very pleased with our own “honey”.  I don’t really like honey, so more for them.

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