
R.I.P. Javelot  2011-2015


Our large gentle bull, Javelot, died.  He was off his feed for a few days then rallied as if all was well, then died one afternoon a few days later.  The vet says it could have been for any number of reasons but he thinks Javelot ate a stray pice of wire from the hay bale and it punctured a stomach and got infected.  The infection part was obvious, it was throughout his intestines.  The vet said he probably could not have saved Javelot even if we had called him a few days earlier.  “Bulls are just delicate” is what he said. So has everyone else with whom we have shared our misfortune.  Who would have thought bulls were delicate.


2 thoughts on “R.I.P.

  1. randall borman says:

    Hi, question from Ecuador- we want to cross Hereford with our Normandies (we run about 50 normandy bulls, but restrictions in importation of calves from colombia suggest we should breed our own) and saw you have a couple of crosses- how are they?

    • campobellaterra says:

      Hi! Sorry for the late reply. Normandy X Hereford crosses are very highly thought of here in Uruguay. Preferably with Normandy cows with a Hereford bull. The Normandy cow has such rich milk that their calves have great vigor, grow well, and size up quickly. The opposite, Normandy bull X Hereford Cows, is also used – but often where the pasture is more marginal as the Hereford are thought to do well on lesser pasture. The Normandy bull imparts the vigor and fast growth while the Hereford cow can maintain on less food. The crosses we had did well. They sold for a good price at market. We’ve downsized enough to only have pure-bred left but did enjoy the crosses. Do you run Normandy for dairy or primarily for beef?

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