Tilling away at the garden beds

Once again we were in the middle of a project and the tool broke.  Jon was using the roto-tiller to get the gardens beds ready for planting and the tines broke!

roto tiller 2

Look towards the top

roto tiller 1

So, after much discussion with several people, Jon just gave in and bought two new tines.  He said it is the best money he ever spent as these tines are so much better than the others.  It has made the work go faster.

roto tiller 3

2 thoughts on “Tilling away at the garden beds

  1. Toni McCarty says:

    I hope Megan has a very fabulous birthday. Today is the 19th for us but I am not sure if you are already on the 20th or not.
    anyway – I am think of you and wish you the best!

    • campobellaterra says:

      Hi Toni –

      Okay, so I’m so far behind on the blog I’m just now getting your Birthday wishes. Thank you! I had a wonderful birthday 🙂 It is strange to have it be warm and balmy for my birthday though. Lots of love!

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